Our Purpose
The Australian School of Accounting Pty Ltd is a proprietary limited company. The Board of Directors is established and constituted in accordance with the Australian School of Accounting Pty Ltd Company Constitution (ACN 617 180 079) and the Governance Charter.
The governance and leadership teams at the Australian School of Accounting (ASA) are dedicated to ensuring that ASA delivers a quality educational experience to all our students.
ASA is governed by the Board of Directors. (the Board) The Board appoints an Academic Board which has oversight of the School’s academic functions and policies.
Together with the Senior Management team, the Board and the Academic Board have oversight and responsibility for setting the vision, goals and strategic direction of at the Australian School of Accounting as well as decision-making around policies, courses, performance, operations and administration.
The Board of Directors
The Board of Directors’ role is to ensure that ASA is properly resourced and managed so it can deliver a high standard of education in compliance with the School’s strategic objectives and plans, internal policies and regulatory requirements.
With effective governance, the Board of Directors promotes and protects the reputation and interests of ASA. It fosters an environment that supports and protects freedom of intellectual inquiry and promotes the wellbeing of students and staff. The Board of Directors fulfils these responsibilities by overseeing the performance of ASA and making sure that it achieves its vision, values, aims and objectives.
The Board of Directors’ decisions are made in the best interests of the students and staff to support the quality of education and the learning environment offered by ASA and to maintain a culture consistent with the School’s strategic objectives. The Board of Directors ensures that ASA is well-governed and adequately resourced so the School’s strategic objectives can be met

Christine Hawkins (Chair)
Chair of the Board
Dr Keith Sloan
Deputy Chair
Professor Philip Poh
Board Member
John Corrigan
Board Member
Emeritus Prof. Peter G. Flood
Board MemberThe Academic Board’s Role
Is the principal policy-making and advisory body on all matters relating to and affecting the quality of ASA’s teaching and learning. The Academic Board will provide leadership in promoting a culture of academic excellence in teaching and learning at ASA, ensuring academic integrity and freedom of intellectual inquiry.
The Academic Board must ensure that ASA has appropriate academic standards, that these are reflected in its policies and procedures and that they are effectively implemented by management, monitored, maintained and reviewed. Academic governance should be based on consultation, collegiality and broad-based
representation and to achieve this, the Board should maintain a respectful working relationship with the Principal and the academic leadership of ASA.
Academic Board Members

Dr Joo-Gim Heaney (Chair)
Chair of the Academic Board
Professor Lawson Savery
Academic Board Member
Dr David Bond
Academic Board Member
John Iveson
Academic Dean
Alison McPhee
Director Learning and Innovation
Victoria Springett
Director Quality and Compliance
Dr Kanwal Javed
Course Coordinator - Professional AccountingAudit and Risk Committee
The Committee assists the Board of Directors in discharging its governance responsibilities relating to the integrity of financial reporting, effectiveness of the systems of internal control and risk management and compliance with relevant regulatory and legal requirements. The Committee is an integral part of the corporate governance system of Australian School of Accounting (ASA).
Audit and Risk Committee

Dr Keith Sloan (Chair)
Chair of the Audit and Risk Committee
Dr Joo-Gim Heaney
Committee Member
Susie Zhong
Committee Member
Coralie Morrissey
CEO and Principal